What is the True Cost of Missed Calls?

What is the True Cost of Missed Calls?

Missing customers’ calls is a serious business.That one phone-call could have been THE opportunity to win a big new contract – but because you didn’t pick up – they’ve gone to a competitor who did have the infrastructure to take their call.

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Missing calls though isn’t just about the lost business opportunities, it’s one of those things that could affect customer loyalty, the feedback they give you as well as affecting your reputation.

Let’s look at it in more detail.

We’ve all been there, whether it’s ringing to make a doctor’s appointment, trying to call the travel agent about a holiday query or waiting to try and buy concert tickets over the phone - being put on hold can be infuriating – especially if there’s no clue as to how long you’ll be waiting for, or having to put up with that annoying hold music playing in the background.

We’re all busy right? Being put on hold for goodness knows how long, wastes time and tests customers’ patience. You can make it that bit easier for them by telling them what number they are in the queue and how long they’re likely to be waiting before someone will be on the other end of the line. That way it’s their call as to whether they carry on - on hold or call back and chance their luck again.

You could of course take that one step further by offering the chance to set up a call back – that way they maintain their place in the queue but can go off and do whatever they need to do without the frustration of hanging around on at the other end of a phone.

But to implement the right systems to make sure you’re not missing calls – you have to have the right data. How can you solve the problem if you don’t know exactly what calls are being missed and when?

Measuring call volume and interrogating the data to look at when calls are being missed and will help you work out what needs to be put in place to stop it happening.

Written on 10/09/2022 by Juliet Moran

As the Technical Director at TelephoneSystems.cloud and an MSc in Computing, I bring over 27 years of extensive experience in cloud technology. As a woman in the tech industry, I am committed to paving the way for the next generation, demonstrating that innovation in technology should be inclusive of both women and men. My goal is to inspire and empower future generations to actively contribute to the advancement of technology regardless of gender.
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