Associated With is a website run by Hosting Systems Ltd to sell Cloud Telephone Systems to businesses. It's important to know what relationship you have with us. To do that, we've set up the following terms and conditions to ensure that you receive the services you have ordered and that you also know how to end the relationship should you choose.
The following terms are the specific schedule relating to this service. Our general working terms and conditions are available to view here.
Hardware not paid for up front is paid for over a 3 year period by instalments.
Title in the Hardware shall remain with us until receipt by us of your final payment.
Risk in the Hardware passes to you on delivery and you agree that you will insure the Hardware for its full value with a reputable insurance company from that date. Our interest in the Hardware must be notified to the insurance company and you agree to produce to us evidence of the insurance policy, your payment of the relevant premium and the notification of our interest should we require it.
In the event that you do not pay any instalments for the Hardware when due or do not pay the unpaid instalments on termination we shall be entitled to repossess the Hardware and you must return it to us without delay. After return of the Hardware in these circumstances we will credit you with any amounts you have already paid for it less any expenses we have incurred in repossessing the Hardware and less a reasonable deduction for any wear and tear of the Hardware.
Hardware can only be returned unused and undamaged in its original packaging, or if a fault is found.
A restock fee of 20% will be added to returned hardware that is not faulty (covers packaging, shipping and reduction in resale value).
Faulty hardware must be confirmed by the Support team.
Faulty hardware will be replaced as soon as possible if within its manufactures warranty. Hardware outside of warranty cannot be replaced and a claim instead should be through your own insurance.
A returns bag will be provided for you to return the faulty hardware. If the faulty hardware isn't returned, the replacement is chargeable.
If you are unhappy with our product or for any other reason, you can cancel at any time in writing by emailing or sending a letter (we recommend emailing), this will be processed on the next working day. You will be required to pay for the full month of service in which you cancel your service during, regardless of your cancellation date, up to the last day of the month.
When cancelling the following fees apply:
Users: No Fee
Broadband & Fibre: £50
Telephone Line: No Fee
Mobile SIMs: £30
We may also choose to cancel the service at any time and will email you notification of the cancellation date and reason.
If you have chosen to pay for Hardware by instalments and wish to cancel the service, you have the following two options:
a) Return the Hardware within 5 working days of the end of service.
b) Keep the Hardware.
In either situation, you will be charged for the remaining cost of the Hardware (over a 3 year period). The cost of the Hardware is based on the number of instalments left to pay, so the cost calculated will reduce the longer you have had the Hardware over a 3 year period. If you have had the Hardware for longer than 3 years, there is no charge.
Your call quality is based on the connectivity to the service via broadband and fibre and is also dependent on your usage of the line. You are responsible for your own connection unless supplied by ourselves. The phone system comes with an SLA with a 99.9% uptime guarantee: Read More
The SLA only applies to full service affecting issues and not individual issues caused by users own hardware, connectivity or changes to the platform by the user.
Includes voicemail, softphone app and call routing features.
Free calls to UK 01/02/03 and UK mobile networks by a user are included for free. Fair usage limit of 5000 minutes/user/month applies.
Calls made to premium and fixed rate mobile numbers are not included in the UK Mobile networks free bundle.
Calls not made by a user, such as hunt group redirects are chargeable.
0800 numbers are free to call.
No voicemail, no softphone app, no click to dial, no busy lamp field and no call routing features.
All calls are charged at as per our call rates document.
Downgrade fee or £50 applies for Standard user to Limited user downgrade.
The office support team hours are 9am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday for assistance in setups, configurations, troubleshooting and advice. Out of hours support can be actioned by the My Account area and is for full phone platform outages and Internet connectivity outages where the customer has a premium line service only. Known platform issues will be posted in the My Account area.
Support is free of charge, with the following exclusions:
All excluded support is charged at £25 for 10 minutes.
Broadband (including ADSL & Fibre) along with Comms Line come with an initial 12 month contract, followed by a rolling 1 month contract, where prices are no longer fixed to the website.
Cancellation of these services by the client within the initial 12 month contract require payment in full to the end of the 12 month initial contract. Cancellation must be made in writing. A £50 cancellation fee applies.
Cancellation requires one months notice via email and includes a £30 cancellation fee when exiting before 24 months.
Outside of data bundle charges are £2/MB.
50 NonGeo minutes, 50 International Minutes to EU, USA & Canada are included with all Packages excluding MINI.
Unlimited Calls and Text are subject to a fair usage policy and cannot be used with automated systems. Unlimited calls include 01/02/03 numbers 07 mobile numbers.
Inappropriate usage would be considered as the following:
We may investigate usage in order to ascertain whether your unlimited usage is in line with these guidelines. In the event inappropriate usage is determined then we reserve the right to restrict services, adjust the plan or terminate the agreement based on the severity of the misuse.
We do not allow SIMs to be used in any equipment which enables the routing of calls or data (including, without limitation, text or picture messages) from fixed apparatus or standard devices to mobile equipment, by establishing a mobile to mobile call or transmission. Nor does it allow the use of any equipment which enables the sending of bulk SMS, voice or data services. We reserves the right to suspend without notice should we believe that such equipment is being used. During suspension, the liability for any access charges or calls will rest with the partner.
Inclusive roaming services on our mobile tariffs have been built for business users who travel periodically, and not those who roam across foreign networks on a semi-permanent or permanent basis.
If a customer uses their mobile in destinations outside the UK that qualify for inclusive access to standard bundles (this includes those countries that qualify for daily roaming services such as World Travel Select and/or legislation such as Roam Like At Home), for more than 50% of the time in any four-month rolling period, they can expect to receive a communication requesting a moderation of roaming services.
If a customer’s usage continues to exceed 50%, as described above, over the two-week period following the first notification, we reserves the right to either charge customers for this excessive usage or bar roaming services. Customers will be notified before any action is taken.
If you would like to move existing connections to new tariffs, there will be a Tariff Change Fee of £30 exc. VAT per number. In line with our cease fee policy, connections active for over 24 months will be exempt from this charge.
An autobar can be selected for Usage Alerts which will restrict the use of a mobile number. This can be used to assist in management of costs & reduce unexpected "bill shock". We will use best endeavours to apply the autobar, as soon as we become aware that the mobile number has breached the usage alert amount. However, in certain circumstances that are beyond our control, such as delays in call data being received from the network, overall charges may exceed the set limit and are still liable to be paid for.
All payments are to be made by Direct Debit.
Failure to have a functional Direct Debit mandate will result in the immediate cancellation of the service. You will be contacted via email and telephone should we fail to be able to collect a Direct Debit payment.
Failure of payment via Direct Debit caused by your actions, will incur an administration charge to cover the time to resolve, this charge will be £25.
We may need to change the amount of the payment; a notification will be sent in advance of processing the Direct Debit in writing via email.
We are not responsibly for any lack of service caused by non payment, including failure to keep your contact details up to date with us that then results in a cancellation.
The Customer must not use the Service, and must take all reasonable steps, to ensure that the Service is not used:
We may disclose such material if requested or required to do so by the police or any other competent authority if requested.
We endeavour to ensure confidentiality of all data held by that is reasonably practical to do so.
In providing the service under this agreement, we shall endeavour to exercise the reasonable care of a competent telecommunications operator. You acknowledge that neither we, nor any other party, has control over the Internet and service interruptions may occur due to circumstances beyond, or at times, within our reasonable control such as internal and / or external system malfunctions or failures of third parties. You therefore acknowledge that we shall not be held liable in any way for losses as a result of such service interruptions regardless of their nature.
You further acknowledge that we shall in no way be held liable for any service outage or disruption that occurs as a result of any of our suppliers' failure to provide a service. For clarification, if any of our suppliers enters administration, liquidation, is wound up or for any reason fails to provide a service to us that impacts you, we shall not be held liable. In the event that selects an alternative supplier in order to restore your service, you acknowledge that any increase in the costs to us as a result of the supplier change will be passed on to you.
You acknowledge that it is not possible for us to provide a 100% fault-free service due to elements outside of our control. Performances outside of our control include, without limitation, the breakdown of transmission and telecommunication links or provisions of services by our selected service providers. Sometimes we will need to suspend the service for maintenance, scheduled or unscheduled. While we will try to maintain the service 24 hours a day, seven days a week, we cannot guarantee to do so.
We expressly reserve the right to disconnect availability of Internet access for the purpose of necessary or scheduled maintenance.
We will always try to repair reported faults and / or restore the service as soon as reasonably practical.
We endeavour to ensure that all our customers are happy and satisfied with the service we provide. Should be fail to do this, you should telephone, email about your concerns. If you wish to then make a formal complaint in writing, please send to or Complaints Department at the head office address. All complaints will be responded to within 2 working day.
If you are still unsatisfied you can complain to our third party The Communications Ombudsman. We are regulated by Ofcom with the reference of FLZ.
Full Detailed Terms and Conditions
Acceptable use policy for Telephone System
Acceptable use policy and fair use policy for Broadband
Business Continuity Plan (Public)