Free Cloud Phone Support

Help & Support

The section is for existing customers, offering helpful guides to get the phone system configured the way you want it.


For new orders placed over the Olympics 2024, drawn on the last day - use offer code OLYMPICS24.

System Status: All systems are fully functional

User Guides

Please download our user guide to see how to set-up and use the phones.

Desk Set-up Guide

Portable Phone Guide

Desk Phone Guide

App Guide

Click to Dial Guide

Transferring a Call

How Porting Works


If you are having any issues at all, please call for support or have a look at our troubleshooting guides.

Rates Card

Download our full call rates

Only applicable to calls that are not covered in the bundle

Service Level Agreement

Our SLA comes with a 99.9% uptime guarantee

Download our SLA


Phone App (WebEx)

Install the app on your mobile phone or computer and be able to made and receive calls from anywhere on your usual extension number. Also handy as a backup plan in-case your Internet goes down, as the app can work on 4G.

Iphone APP
Andriod APP
Computer Downloads

CRM Integration

Go Integrator connector software allows you intergrate your CRM system.

Windows   Windows (Legacy)   Apple Mac

Message Recorder

To record your own messages for auto attendants and hold, download the App 'Broadsoft Recorder' from the Android or Apple App store and record your message.

Iphone APP Android APP

Remote Hands Support

If you have been request to use one of the links for remote support, please click on the relevant button below and follow the instructions given to you over the telephone.

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